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Friday, July 6, 2012

In MATLAB figure, how to change the X or Y axis ticks or labels?

A default case is the following where I plot 100 random numbers

figure; plot(1:100,var,'--rs');

In X axis, the labels are placed 10 places apart.....0....10....20....30..... like that....If I want to have labels 2 places apart  1...3...5....7 till 100 how may I do it?


set(gca,'XTick',1:10:100) % Here gca refers to the handler of the current figure's axis


Now, try to do the same in Y-axis! Share your result :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

How to save/print MATLAB figure in a file?

Imagine I want to print/save a matlab figure into disk. May be I want to save it in PNG format. How do I do that?

print(file_handler,'-dpng', 'my_file_name.png');
Check your current folder. A file named my_file_name.png should be there!

How to print variable value in title of a matlab figure?

Imagine my MATLAB figure has a title where I want to print the value of a variable. How can I do that ?

for var=1:3
plot(randn(10,1)); title(['rand number=: ' num2str(var) ]);
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Multiple Legend in plot/subplot

I needed multiple legend on a plot for multiple data where data sizes were different. If try classical legend you get the following

  hold on
    legend( 'true','calculated');
It does not give what I want !! Therefore.....continue reading..

Instead try the following to have different legend

  hold on
  legend([p1(1) p2(end)], 'true','calculated');

Legend in Subplot

Acknowledgement : here