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Friday, July 6, 2012

In MATLAB figure, how to change the X or Y axis ticks or labels?

A default case is the following where I plot 100 random numbers

figure; plot(1:100,var,'--rs');

In X axis, the labels are placed 10 places apart.....0....10....20....30..... like that....If I want to have labels 2 places apart  1...3...5....7 till 100 how may I do it?


set(gca,'XTick',1:10:100) % Here gca refers to the handler of the current figure's axis


Now, try to do the same in Y-axis! Share your result :)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

How to save/print MATLAB figure in a file?

Imagine I want to print/save a matlab figure into disk. May be I want to save it in PNG format. How do I do that?

print(file_handler,'-dpng', 'my_file_name.png');
Check your current folder. A file named my_file_name.png should be there!

How to print variable value in title of a matlab figure?

Imagine my MATLAB figure has a title where I want to print the value of a variable. How can I do that ?

for var=1:3
plot(randn(10,1)); title(['rand number=: ' num2str(var) ]);
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Out Put%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Multiple Legend in plot/subplot

I needed multiple legend on a plot for multiple data where data sizes were different. If try classical legend you get the following

  hold on
    legend( 'true','calculated');
It does not give what I want !! Therefore.....continue reading..

Instead try the following to have different legend

  hold on
  legend([p1(1) p2(end)], 'true','calculated');

Legend in Subplot

Acknowledgement : here

Monday, March 12, 2012

Matlab: legend in Errorbar

I want to generate an error bar like this. Here, I am comparing three algorithms and I need three legends. Here is how I did it

y = [2.22153808961105 2.49790518623828 2.78257964160148]; % mean or average
e = [0.539408440954881 1.23204940330217 0.813491394996712]; % 1 standard deviation
hold on;

Friday, February 24, 2012

In Matlab : Sorting by indexes of another sorting

Imagine, we have the following two array of numbers
A=[ 2 4 6 7 8 8];
 B=[ 5 8 2 5 0 5];
we want to sort A and then arrange B according to the index of A.


>> [sortedA,indexA]=sort(A)

sortedA =

     2     4     6     7     8     8

indexA =

     1     2     3     4     5     6

>> B(indexA)

ans =

     5     8     2     5     0     5

Thursday, February 16, 2012

How to append in a excel file using Matlab?

Imagine that I have the following excel file called "algoperformace.xls"

algoName mode 95percentile max mean
Algorithm1 13.15153679 20.03323188 39.52043729 15.65858

Now, I would like to add a new line as the following into this excel file using matlab

Neighbor 2.721678458 5.536962451 26.63633753 3.858783

How to do that?
%% Loading the excel into matlab

[~, ~, alldata] = xlsread('algperformace.xls');
% We will add new entry line into 'alldata' variable and then will write the excel file
% The script will compute the value for algoname, mode, color_diff_95_percentile, max, mean
% adding those values into the cell of 'alldata'
alldata(size(alldata,1),:)={algoname, mode, color_diff_95_percentile, max, mean};
%writing the complete new 'alldata' into the same excel file
xlswrite('algperformace.xls', alldata);

Try your own example :)

Thursday, February 2, 2012

How may I make the user to browse and select file in Matlab

Very often, Matlab programs need to specify input files or images. Instead of giving the absolute path to that file we may make the user to browse and locate the file.

uigetfile is the function that can do that job. Here is an example.

disp('Select the Reference view');
[filename_ref,pathname_ref] = uigetfile('*.*','Select the Reference view');
if isequal(filename_ref,0)
    disp('User selected Cancel')
    disp(['Reference view: ', fullfile(pathname_ref, filename_ref)])